What are the signs that a girl likes you? Whether it's her body language, the way she talks, the way she behaves or the way she flirts, the telltale signs of attraction in women are a lovely mix of subtle hints, shy flirting, and cute antics. Read this post and find out if a girl really has a crush on you so that you don't let your imagination get the better of you.
1) She Smiles at You Eagerly
A lot can be said about how a girl feels about you by the way she smiles at you. If you are constantly getting a stream of bubbly and cute smiles from a girl who you have been crushing on, maybe she has a crush on you too.
Don’t let this assumption create a false perception that every girl who smiles at you has a crush on you. Look out for this generic sign of attraction only when you have been flirting with a girl who seems to be reciprocating your flirty ways.
2) She Puts Her Hand on Your Thigh Way Too Often While Talking to You
The "hand on the thigh" move can be interpreted as a sign that a girl is trying hard to grab your attention. A one-off pat on the thigh may be dismissed as isolated, but if she keeps doing it again and again, she is probably trying to send you a sign.
Guys who are really shy may feel uncomfortable and nervous when this happens. If you can relate to this, make sure you don’t flinch when she does that. Play it cool and just continue looking in her eyes
3) She Flutters Her Eyelids Every Time You Exchange Glances
Fluttering of eyelids is one body language that signals attraction and has been immortalized in movies, literature, and all forms of popular culture. It is one of those things that might even come as a natural and involuntary reaction when a girl locks eyes with the guy whom she has a crush on.
It may be hard to tell if the fluttering is subtle. But, if you notice that she is deliberately batting her eyelids and smiling while looking at you, she might be just as smitten by you as you are with her.
4) She Flirts With You on Text
You can be pretty sure that a girl likes you when you notice that she uses a flirty tone in all of the texts she sends to you. Excessive use of winks and smileys, leaving sentences unfinished for obvious interpretations, and naughty exchanges on text are some of the telltale signs that she probably wants to go out with you.
The key to being sure about her intentions is to note a consistent pattern of flirting in her texts. Don’t mistake an isolated flirty interaction as an indication that she wants to be more than just friends.
5) She Has Joked About Going on a Date With You
Joking around about dating and the possibility of seeing each other might be a girl’s way of getting you to ask her out. Don’t get carried away by the slightest of mention of dating, but if it happens again and again, her jokes could actually be hints in disguise.
Playful and flirty rants about how you would both be a nice couple may be her way of telling you that she is just waiting to be asked out.